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Address: 2 Colin Park Road, Colindale, London, NW9 6HS
Phone: 020 8205 8300
Are you experiencing crooked, overcrowded, or unevenly-shaped teeth? Do you have one or more significant gaps in your teeth? If the answer to either question is yes, such problems will undoubtedly cause low self-confidence.
The traditional way to treat such problems is with dental braces, and it’s something that can get done on both teenagers and adults. But, the trouble with traditional braces is they aren’t aesthetically pleasing.
Other issues with conventional dental braces include comfort – they aren’t comfortable to wear, and they feel intrusive. If you’re looking for teeth straightening in Colindale, there is a better alternative to traditional braces: Invisalign.
Before you consider Invisalign in Colindale, it’s essential to learn more about it. Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic treatment that helps patients have straighter teeth and improved smiles thanks to clear braces or ‘aligners’.
It’s a popular teeth-straightening treatment because the braces are both easily removable and invisible.
They offer a welcome alternative to traditional metal braces and are ideal for patients that are self-conscious about their look during their teeth-straightening treatment.
Invisalign is a dental treatment offered by Stunning Smile Clinic, an orthodontic practice. Our family-friendly team can provide Invisalign treatments to adults and teenagers. Invisalign braces are removable when eating, flossing, or brushing teeth.
If you experience crooked, uneven teeth, and unsightly gaps caused by those teeth, Invisalign can help correct those problems. As mentioned earlier, they are transparent, removable braces, offering a leading advantage over traditional braces.
Invisalign can treat various oral problems, such as:
A clear aligner solution such as Invisalign is quite a simple yet extremely effective treatment. Invisalign works by using clear aligner technology and resulting in a unique, customised solution.
Patients start with one set of aligners, and they must wear them for 7-14 days before moving onto the next set of aligners in the series.
At Stunning Smile Clinic, we work with our patients to develop a precise and carefully-planned process.
Doing so means we can ensure patients requiring invisible braces Colindale get the right results. Our friendly team of orthodontic experts keeps a close eye on each patient’s progress with Invisalign braces to check all affected teeth are moving in the right direction.
Arguably one of the main benefits of Invisalign is that the aligners are virtually invisible! The clear aligners are also very comfortable to wear because they get made from smooth and flexible plastic – unlike conventional metal braces.
Another advantage of Invisalign is the positive results are quicker with this treatment than with traditional braces. Most patients can see results within six to 12 months. Some people even see results in a few weeks in less-complicated cases.
Invisalign clear aligners are also easy to remove. You can take them out before you eat, brush your teeth, or floss.
The cost of each Invisalign treatment will depend on your requirements. As you can imagine, each patient has different orthodontal needs, and so it’s not easy to provide an average cost for Invisalign treatment.
For example, one patient might only require straightforward teeth straightening treatment, and another may need a comprehensive solution to their uneven teeth.
Invisalign treatments are typically the same price as that of solutions that use traditional metal braces.
If you’re experiencing uneven teeth and have gaps between two or more teeth, Invisalign could be the right solution for your needs.
At Stunning Smile Clinic, we are a Colindale orthodontic practice that offers Invisalign treatments for adults and teenagers.
To start the treatment process, we’d like to invite you to have a free consultation. During the appointment, we can assess your needs thoroughly and provide you with the right Invisalign treatment plan.
We offer 0% finance on all Invisalign treatments so that you can spread the cost over several affordable monthly payments. Contact Corner House Dental Practice on 020 8205 8300 to book your free consultation.
If you would like to make an appointment to have a consultation with our expert team in Colindale dentist, or if you have any general enquiries about the services we offer please don’t hesitate to get in touch.